
This morning I finally got to spend a decent amount of time at the Bashakill. Things still seem relatively quiet to me, but there was some movement noted overnight. I had my first Blue-gray Gnatcatchers this week in several spots, at least six seen. Waterfowl numbers continue to decrease, but Ring-necked Ducks still numbered well over 100. A couple of new Savannah Sparrows on Haven Road had me hoping there might have been a sparrow influx, but they were the only new ones noted. When I reached the Birch Trail I had my first new bird of the year. I walked right up on a COMMON GALLINULE! It flew off into a brushy thicket in the water, but not far away at all. Scott Baldinger texted me that he had his FOS Virginia Rail on the Stop Sign Trail. He came down to try for the gallinule, and found a second VIRGINIA RAIL! My FOS bird! We then relocated the Common Gallinule for Scott! Yesterday, I was out around the county during the rain. Notables at Kiamesha Lake were my FOS SPOTTED SANDPIPER, a Common Loon and a couple of Bonaparte’s Gulls. The Double-crested Cormorant continues on Yankee Lake. Up county, I found my FOS WILSON’S SNIPE on Clemments Road, followed a short time later by a second on Rubin Road. My County FOS EASTERN MEADOWLARK was also on Rubin Road. Things seem to be picking up a little bit at least.

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4 Responses to Bashakill

  1. Where on Clemmets road? I’ve never seen one before.

    • There are some large puddles on the golf course.  It was frequenting them.  They are quite common at the Bashakill once the water comes down a little.  Can be seen along Haven Road.

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