Florida Spring ’13

Magnificent Frigatebird, Bonita Beach

Magnificent Frigatebird, Bonita Beach

Least Tern, Bunche Beach

Least Tern, Bunche Beach

Burrowing Owl, Marco Island

Burrowing Owl, Marco Island

Bronzed Cowbird, Eagle Lakes Park

Bronzed Cowbird, Eagle Lakes Park

Snail Kite, Harns Marsh

Snail Kite, Harns Marsh

Gray Kingbirds, Ft. Meyers Beach

Gray Kingbirds, Ft. Meyers Beach

Eastern Screech-owl on Sanibel Island

Eastern Screech-owl on Sanibel Island

Hello everyone! My apologies. I have been in Florida for the last week with no WIFI at my condo. The landlords (two) in-fighting resulted in the internet being discontinued. It was not able to be rectified while I was there. I will post a brief synopsis of the last week with a few pics and a trip list. Hope it is of interest and again, I am sorry I was not able to post until now. You can now find the report under Florida Spring ’13

4/20 through 4/27 – I have been in Bonita Beach, Florida for the last week. I birded the following areas: Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, Bunche Beach, Eagle Lakes Park, Ding Darling Preserve/Sanibel Island, Babcock-Webb WMA, Sarasota Celery Fields, Marco Island, Oscar Scherer State Park, Ft. Meyers Beach and Bonita Beach. It was a great trip with a somewhat smaller trip list than I usually have. Migration was nearly non-existent during our stay. That said, I ended with a total list of 107 species, including 27 new species for the year. There was considerable overlap in my Texas and Florida lists. Highlights of the trip included: Bachman’s Sparrow, Florida Scrub Jay, Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Burrowing Owl, Magnificent Frigatebird, Gray Kingbird, Brown-headed Nuthatch, Sandhill Crane and Purple Gallinule. Below is a total trip list. Florida List 2013:

1.Black-bellied Whistling Duck
2.Mottled Duck
3.Magnificent Frigatebird*
4.Brown Pelican
5.American White Pelican*
7.Double-crested Cormorant
8.Black Vulture
9.Turkey Vulture
10.White Ibis
11.Green Heron
12.Snowy Egret
13.Glossy Ibis*
14.Wood Stork*
15.Great Egret
16.Snowy Egret
17.Cattle Egret
18.Little Blue Heron
19.Great Blue Heron
20.Reddish Egret*
21.Least Bittern
22.Roseate Spoonbill
23.Sandhill Crane *
24.Black-necked Stilt
25.Greater Yellowlegs
26.Lesser Yellowlegs
28.Semipalmated Plover
31.Redknot *
32.Ruddy Turnstone*
33.Wilson’s Plover *
34.Black-bellied plover
35.Short-billed Dowitcher
37.Marbled Godwit *
38.Limpkin *
39.Common Gallinule
40.Purple Gallinule *
41.American Coot
42.Laughing Gull
43.Herring Gull
44.Ring-billed Gull
45.Least Tern
46.Royal Tern*
47.Sandwich Tern*
48.Black Skimmer*
49.Forster’s Tern
50.Bald Eagle
51.Swallow-tailed Kite
53.Snail Kite *
54.Red-tailed Hawk
55.Cooper’s Hawk
56.Red-shouldered Hawk
57.Northern Bobwhite
58.White-eyed Vireo
59.Northern Mockingbird
60.Gray Catbird
61.Ruby-throated Hummingbird
62.Red-bellied Woodpecker
63.Red-cockaded Woodpecker *
64.Pileated Woodpecker
65.Northern Flicker
66.Blue Jay
67.Florida Scrub Jay *
68.American Crow
69.Fish Crow
70.Burrowing Owl *
71.Common Nighthawk *
72.Brown-headed Nuthatch *
73.Great Crested Flycatcher
74.Gray Kingbird *
75.Eurasian Collared Dove
76.Mourning Dove
77.Common Ground-dove
78.Tufted Titmouse
79.Carolina Wren
80.Marsh Wren
81.Loggerhead Shrike
82.Chimney Swift
83.European Starling
84.Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
85.Northern Parula*
86.Blue-winged Warbler *
87.American Redstart *
88.Palm Warbler
89.Pine Warbler
90.Black-throated Blue Warbler*
91.Blackpoll Warbler *
92.Black and White Warbler
93.Prairie Warbler*
94.Common Yellowthroat
95.Bachman’s Sparrow *
96.Brown Thrasher
97.Eastern Towhee
98.Northern Cardinal
99.Indigo Bunting
100.Brown-headed Cowbird
101.Bobolink *
102.Eastern Meadowlark
103.Common Grackle
104.Boat-tailed Grackle
105.Bronzed Cowbird
106.House Sparrow
107.Red-headed Woodpecker

2 Responses to Florida Spring ’13

  1. Ken says:

    Hello John, where are you and what’s happening?

    • Ken,    My apologies!  I am in Florida at Bonita Beach.  Due to some property owner in-fighting, the WiFi has been cut off.  This is a first for us.  I have tried to get in at McDonald’s, but week signal got me into the RBA’s a couple of times and I got to answer one email. I will do my best to update the site (a little bit) tonight.  I will make further info available tomorrow.  Sorry for the inconvenience, best, John

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