Bashakill was alive today!

Common Loon near the Nature Trail, Bashakill

Common Loon near the Nature Trail, Bashakill

The first really nice morning is some time had mild temperatures and clear skies. Birds had definitely moved overnight. More ducks had come in as well as some passerines. The Eagle show was amazing this morning as was the FOS Osprey show. The eagle chicks had hatched by 3/28 and I saw them well for the first time this morning. Two famished little heads bobbed around as their mother fed them. The father stood guard not far away. Three immature eagles all soared around the Bashakill, reeking havoc with the ducks. Scott Baldinger was watching his FOS Osprey across from the Main Boat Launch, as I watched mine on Haven Road. The one I was watching dove and caught a fish. Out of no where came two juvenile eagles, chasing and harassing the Osprey until it gave up its fish to them. It then flew south, meeting up with the other Opsrey. As I walked out the Stop Sign Trail, I found a second pair of Osprey circling the nest that was built but never used last year out by Rt 17. That made four Osprey. The second pair of adult eagles did their share of harassing ducks as well and then flew up slope to the same location I viewed them yesterday. Perhaps they are going to build or have built a nest in that area. As I scanned the heron rookery I heard a Common Loon calling. I never got on the bird. A short time later, Scott called to inform me a loon was on the water at the Nature Trail. I went down and got a nice shot of the bird. Thanks Scott! Water fowl highlights included Blue-winged Teal, Green-winged Teal, American Wigeon, Northern Pintail and Northern Shovelers, Bufflehead, Lesser Scaup and all the more common birds. A total of 50 species were seen by me this morning, including FOS Northern Flickers.

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1 Response to Bashakill was alive today!

  1. bill says:

    I thought I did well in the gulf states !! Did see tons of Prothonotarys and Summer Tanagers.

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